Sunday, January 17, 2010


Running outside in Wisconsin in the winter is not fun!!! I have done pretty good sticking to the training schedule. Last Sunday I got 12 in with the team, ran Tuesday and Friday inside, Thursday and today both outside. The outside has been horrible. It was unbelievably cold last Sunday, then this week it "warmed up." It's been in the 30s and very humid. The slushy mess on the roads have been terrible. Sidewalks in Sun Prairie are AWFUL! There is an ordinance in Sun Prairie about clearing you sidewalks people!!! Today is was so humid - temperature in the low 20s with fog. I called it quits after 12 miles when I looked like an icicle. My knees and calves really hurt today!

Ugh, only 6 weeks until the marathon. I'm about $400 away from my fundraising minimum and am in need of some fundraising ideas so can earn the rest. Do you have any ideas? I did work the beer stand at the rodeo last night - not too exciting and not much in the way of tips. At least New Orleans should be warmer than here!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Wow! It's been a really long time since I posted! From Thanksgiving to New Year's I have to say my attempts at running were lack-luster at best. It seemed like every weekend was full of stuff for the holidays and the weekdays were just as busy with activities, teaching classes and work in general. Oh, don't forget that blizzard that seemed to take away several days.

We spent Xmas in Bertha with James' family. There was a "blizzard" for our trip there. Seems like we spent most of the time there shoveling. I did manage to get one run in, on pretty the only treadmill in the Bertha area. That's quite the story, ask me about it sometime! We came home to head down the Chicago for my nephew's baptism. Of course riding out storms in Minnesota and Illinois. The drives were just lovely. My parents spent 5 days with us and we managed to get in a 4th b-day party for Christopher and celebrate the family Xmas. I needed the New Year's weekend to recover from my vacation!

I have been doing pretty good with runs since January 2. It has been bitterly cold here in Wisconsin, making running outside dangerous. I have spent alot of time on the treadmill - BORING!!! At this point I have 45 days until the marathon. I still need to raise some funds, but I think it's doable. I'm going to work at the rodeo this Saturday in hopes of earning a few tips to put towards the fundraising goal.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Had a great day. Ran my first Berbee Derby - 5,000+ runners on a cold, wet and windy day. Finished the 10K in 50:58, my new personal best. Went to have dinner at the Madison Club with Christopher & James' mom, and James even got to join us. Spent the rest of the afternoon/evening on the couch watching football and reading the Black Friday ads! What more could I ask for???

In looking back on the year, I think about what I have to be thankful's certainly seems fitting that I could be angry that cancer took someone at such a year age. However, it provided me and my family an opportunity to reevaluate what is truly important in our lives. We definitely spent more time with family & friends this past year and less time worrying about if the house was clean enough to eat off the floor. There's something to be said about scheduling your priorities rather than prioritizing your schedule...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and keep in mind the words of a short poem - life treasures are the things that often come without price - family, friends and health.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well, it's been 3+ weeks since my last post. It certainly has been a busy few weeks! Enjoyed Halloween and then was off to the WPRA State conference. That was an adventure. I have decided that next year I will be a participant only! I did partake in a little run while I was spending time at the Kalahari Resort.

Training has certainly had it's ups and downs. Last week was a great week weather wise and I was able to run 3 days during lunch. Great opportunity to clear my head if nothing else. I was also able to take part in the team run on Saturday - 10 miles. Felt pretty good and wasn't sore the next day which is a good sign. Another busy week this week with work. Have gotten 2 of 3 runs in so far. Have to figure out when I am going to get my long run in this weekend. Planning to head to IL to see my new nephew - Benjamin William. He was born 11/3. Weighed in at 6 lbs, 9 oz and was 19 inches long. I'll post a picture just as soon as I figure out how to get the picture message from my phone to my computer!!!

Recommittment is 2 1/2 weeks away. I still need to raise $1000 to make my total requirement. PLEASE consider donating if you can. Keep in mind all the people you could potentially help. Granted it won't bring back Dick, but think of Andrew and maybe he might be able to live to 64 because there is a cure. Andrew attends daycare with Christopher. At 2 he was diagnosed with Leukemia. He turned 5 on Sunday. Tomorrow he will have to be put under general anesthesia to undergo a round of chemo. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. This is why I do this...

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Well, it had been one week and one day since my last run. Today was the Fall 15K Race in which the proceeds benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Several members of the team participated. I had elected to run the relay option - 3 people running a 5K each - with Jo and Roz, 2 teammates. Roz has never run a race before. We picked here up at 7:30 am (James & Christopher came along and volunteered at one of the Water stations with fellow TNT alum). She said she was nervous, but James told her it's just like a training run except there might be a few more people and at the end you might be able to get your time. We met Jo and the rest of the team at the LLS tent. Shortly before we were to start, Jo received a phone call that her grandfather was in the hospital and not doing well. The team all agreed that Jo needed to leave (thank goodness her husband was there to drive her). At that same time James & Christopher headed out with the vehicle. This was prove to be important when Roz & I had to figure out how to get her to the relay exchange point as Jo's husband was originally going to drive us. Roz & I went to the team orientation and wondered how we should get to the exchange point. We were so fortunate that a group of ladies were also doing the relay. The team's name is JNJ and I wish I had gotten more info! These 4 women had all been roommates and now get together once a year - one even flew in from France! Well, they were so kind. They drove Roz to the exchange point while Nicole (one of the team members) and I headed to the start. These ladies stood with Roz and helped her out and even gave me a ride back to the finish so I could see Roz!

Anyway, Nicole and I were off to a really good start until I felt this sharp pain in my foot. I was trying to figure out how I would have gotten something inside my shoe. I had to stop because it was getting quite painful. In the bottom of my shoe was stuck a SHARP stick. It went through the sole of my shoe, the padded insert and was like a needle point driving into my sock. I was trying to get it out when a fellow team member stopped to help me. Mike is my witness as to how long and sharp this thing was!!! I ended up having to pull it out of the bottom of my shoe with my teeth!!! When I finally got my shoe re-situated, I tried to run with Mike for a while (he's way too fast) and had to let him go ahead. I made it through the 10K in about 55 minutes - which isn't too bad considering I had to stop for a while with that stinking stick!

I saw Roz finish and she did really well. She said she got a little nervous and walked a bit, but she looked strong coming across the finish line. Thanks to the JNJ team for your support too! All the TNT participants finished and for many it was the longest race they had even done (Roz & I ended up being the only relay that ran for TNT.) Congrats!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


UGH! I have this chest thing going on in which I have no voice and now I'm starting to cough (and this lovely green stuff is coming up). I have not run again since Saturday as I have no energy. I have had to teach though which stinks and is not helping with the recovery! Tomorrow is the fund raising clinic. I'm looking forward to meeting more of the winter team since I have been unable to make the recent team runs. We have a race coming up this Sunday - the Fall 15K. I am going to do the relay with 2 teammates - Jo & Roz. I hope to feel better by then.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Well, I managed to get in a few runs this week. I started the week off well with the listed Monday & Tuesday runs. Wednesday was a rest day and I tried to play catch-up with housework. Thursday was a scheduled 5 miles that I didn't get to. James left on Friday for his annual hunting trip to North Dakota. James will be scattering some of his father's ashes in the hunting land they both enjoy. Friday was another busy day with sister-in-law Erica coming for the day to take Christopher to Pumpkins in the Park - one of my infamous events at Parks & Recreation. We were then able to spend the afternoon all together.

I did manage to get 4 miles in this morning before going to teach fitness classes to cover at Parks & Rec. I spent the afternoon catching up on computer stuff. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm hoping to get a run in!